Motorcycle Boudoir Shoot!
We will be doing a Motorcycle-themed Boudoir shoot. I will have a few helmets for the ladies to use, but it is encouraged to bring your own or borrow a friend's. Models will be expected to bring matching outfits for the bikes and other items for a sporty style (leather, corsets, body suits, etc). Nudity is not required for this shoot, and almost all helmets will cover the face to a point where the model is not facially recognized.
I have some shoots that I would like to have faces visible, but it is all up to model comfort. Additionally, some models have expressed that they would like to have some nudity in some photos. If you want creative nudity shots, I can accommodate this – but there are some restrictions. So please give me a heads-up before the shoot. I can edit tattoos out, or identifier markings if needed.
This shoot is a TFP shoot. Each model will get a minimum of 5 fully edited JPEG formatted photos for their time. Both model and photographer must provide photo credit when posting pictures on social media, websites, etc. Photos are not to be used in publications, submitted to competitions, or used for monetary purposes/gain without the consent of all models in the photo or the photographer. Photos are not to be edited or have their watermark removed. I will provide touch-ups/edits free of charge.
In addition to model/photographer credits - we will need to credit the location of the shoot. Wheel Xperts has graciously donated the space for us to use.
I will do my best to deliver these photos within 30 days of the shoot. They will be delivered via my website in a password-protected space.
Location Info
Location: Wheel Xpert
Address: Wheel Xpert 4143 Edmonton Trail, Calgary, AB T2E 3V5
Ladies Booked Time: Sunday, September 24th, 1 pm to 5:00 pm
The shop will be closed to the public and we will have access to do a shoot in Mechanics Bay for the aesthetic, Please keep in mind that this is a REAL shop and not a photo studio.
Location Rules:
Leave space as we find it.
Be respectful to any cars/materials in the building. We break it, we buy it.
Safety is the top priority of this shoot. I am also an Advanced Care Flight Paramedic. However, I am not a magician and cannot predict things. If you have any limitations, require assistance, or need to inform me of anything. For comfort purposes, I have my LinkedIn account in the About Me section of this site. I am also happy to provide a photo of my Government I.D. and contact numbers that you can provide to a partner or family member. For comfort reasons, you are welcome to bring a friend to the shoot. I ask that the friend is female for the comfort of our other ladies.
Shop Owner/Manager
This location is being donated to us for the shoot. The owner is a good friend of one of our models. For legal/tenant reasons, there will be an employee on site. Please bring a bathrobe if you are comfortable. We can ensure that they are not in the area for your shoot if you desire for comfort reasons. The individual is a professional and has been to shoots before. We still want to prioritize others comfort.
Please send me a photo of the outfits and/or props you plan to match and let me know what character you want to match them to. You do not have to send me a personal photo. A link to amazon or a stock image of the outfits works for me. It helps me prepare properly. If you choose to do a personal photo, please hide your face.
- I will have a few helmets to bring for the shoot. If you have your own helmet/gear - please bring it! If you can borrow some, please ask. The more styles we have, the better.
Outfits (Lingerie)
Models will need to provide lingerie/outfit that match the bikes Models are welcome to bring multiple sets.
Outfits (Formal/Casual Wear)
I think it would also be fun to have some “non-boudoir” shots. Feel free to bring outfits that match the bikes!
Photo Examples from Pinterest
Motorcycles for this shoot:
We will be using an Aprilia RS, Ducati Pengale, and a BMW RR for this photoshoot.